Gary & Irv

Gary & Irv

Vision Team | Red Deer, AB

Canadians like Gary from Red Deer, AB rely on your donations to receive the life changing support of a Dog Guide. After losing most of his sight, Gary’s doctor recommended Lions Foundation of Canada and he was matched with his Dog Guide, Irv.

“Life is full of enough challenges, let alone having impairments. These dogs give you a sense of trust and confidence,” remarks Gary; “Dealing with them is one of the most incredible networks, working together to change people’s lives.” Irv not only provides aid, safety and security to Gary, he is a companion and support system for living with his impairment.

Greater Vancouver, BC

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Vernon, BC

Calgary, AB

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Toronto, ON

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London, ON

St. Catherines, ON

Sault Ste. Marie, ON

Greater Charlottetown Area, PEI

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Rossendale, MB